My thoughts
Chapter 4 — Building A Business:

Dreaming takes courage and time. If we allow for both, our future path will begin to take shape and we can move toward it with joy and purpose.
Chapter 3 – Leaving Corporate:
New Horizons

It’s funny how great clarity finds us in the most random of moments. In my case, I was contemplating life while condemned to only lying on my back in bed after an injury.
Chapter 3 — Leaving Corporate:

We may not notice it in the moment, but routinely overstretching our resources always comes at a cost in the end.
Chapter 3 — Leaving Corporate:
Leaving Gracefully

Whether on good or bad terms, leaving an employer and a life behind is never easy. Be sure you do it on your own terms.
Chapter 2 — Noticing the Need for Change:
Before You Throw in the Towel

Sometimes all we want to do is throw in the towel and leave. This is the second entry to a chapter in this series which deals with the messy and often uncomfortable realization that it may be time to leave your current employer.
Chapter 2 — Noticing the Need for Change:
When you start to feel that it might be time to move on

Despite all the comforts and safety, something starts to feel off. This is the next chapter in my little series about my personal experience of “Making It in and out of Corporate.” It deals with that strange sensation of knowing that it is time to move on, how to recognize this feeling, how I coped with it, and how I made ready for my next adventure.
Chapter 1 – Life in Corporate:
The Power of Delegation & Nurturing Top Teams

Today’s entry is really near and dear to my heart, has inspired certain approaches in my coaching practice, and truly is a personal philosophy the development of which I am very proud of. So, let’s get into it.
Chapter 1 – Life in Corporate:
Self-doubt, the Hallmark of any Great Leader. But Ditch the “Self”

Self-doubt is a somewhat demonized sensation in the leadership sphere and I have seen many people throughout my career that opted to repress it in favor of a more confident appearance.
Chapter 1 – Life in Corporate:
Leading with Courage and Integrity

How to have difficult conversations is a unique challenge that depends on the setting and people involved. Sometimes the best you can do is stick to your guns and trust the process.
Chapter 1 – Life in Corporate:
Becoming a Transparent Leader to Achieve Wonders

The story I want to tell you today came to pass in 2015. It was a time at which notions of inclusivity as we know them today were neither front page news nor part of any corporate culture playbook.
Chapter 1 – Life in Corporate:
Gender Bias Hits Our Pay – Unless We Talk About It

For more than half of my career, I didn't realize that I was weaving my way through a world saddled with systemic gender-based discrimination and disadvantage in the workplace.