My commitment

  • I am committed to your self-development process
  • I will support you and challenge you
  • I will hold you accountable

I believe everyone has a powerful and unique voice that’s waiting to be heard. I believe that teams and systems have their own voices as well, which can make them accomplish wonders when expressed in unison. I believe that mindful leadership is the key to unlocking the potential of all the voices around us.

I believe that you have the resources and potential to create the career and life that you want. I will listen to you openly without judgement and preconceptions.

I am your sparring partner and sounding board, I will create a space where letting go and playing with ideas is safe for you and your team.

Véronique Bogliolo workingI will reflect back what I see, hear and feel to support your growth.

I am fully committed to your self-development process, and I will support you and challenge you to find your way through to your own goals.

I will hold you accountable for your decisions and actions and support you in your learning experience.

As in true partnership, I believe in the “100%-100% rule”: I commit to bringing 100% of my presence and I expect you do the same, so that our work is as productive as possible.


I am an accredited member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and adhere to its Code of Ethics. Confidentiality is the core of it and I am committed to keep absolutely confidential anything that is said during our sessions. I will not tell anyone you are my client, and will not reveal the content of our coaching sessions to anyone. You are free to share whatever you choose from our sessions with anyone.

In the ICF Code of Ethics, there are some rare circumstances in which I may have to break confidentiality. In general, that is when you share information about situations where you could endanger your own health, somebody else’s or commit a criminal offence.


When projects require additional staffing for expertise or more resources, I partner with world-class partners in boutique firms who have a similar working philosophy, approach and know-how to ensure that any client request is tackled with the outmost professionalism and delivered upon agreed standards. I have grown and worked with a significant network of such partners around the world throughout my professional life and coaching education.


Like all professional coaches, I benefit from regular supervision sessions with my own qualified coach. In this way, I ensure that I am always learning and continuing to grow professionally.