My thoughts

Advanced Certification in Team Coaching — International Coaching Federation

I want to encourage myself, and you, to celebrate our successes publicly and cheer each other on when we pass through the big milestones of our lives. Besides, this is also a great opportunity to tell you what team coaching is actually all about. Let’s go!

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I’ll Never Stop Learning — Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Either

When you’re a leadership and executive coach, you are obligated to keep your training and certifications up to keep your credentials active. Moreover, it keeps you current with successful techniques, the latest discoveries, and enables you to serve your clients at a much deeper and comprehensive level.

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Create a Transformative 2023: Assess What’s Missing and Focus There

What will 2023 mean for you? If you’d like to make it a transformative year where you are more focused and content, I have an exercise that I highly recommend and use regularly with clients.

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How Do You Choose the Right Executive Coach for You?

You may be interested in starting coaching but aren't quite sure how to find the best one for you. Here are some tips on what you should do and look for when preparing to start working with an executive coach.

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When is the Best Time in Your Career to Start Coaching?

Many professionals think they're not ready to start with an executive coach – maybe they feel they aren't at the right level in their organization, or like it is too premature to begin even considering hiring an executive coach. So when is the best time in your career to start receiving coaching?

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Love Makes the World Go Round — Even in Business

Love is an underutilized concept in business. And when you realize how powerful love can be, even in business, it can become your instrument of inner power and leadership.

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What Coaching Can Do for You

You may be interested in starting coaching but aren't quite sure what goes on in these sessions. Here's a glimpse into what a session is like and what they're designed to do. Bring out the best leader in you!

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