My thoughts

Change: A Reality We Can Learn to Embrace

Let's talk about change. We've been going through a lot of change, and each time we adjust, more disruptions and more unsettling news seems to come at us. So how can we learn to embrace change, and perhaps even thrive from it?

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How Can You Adapt to Constant Change?

Change can be overwhelming. In this video, we go over some tips on how to approach change and not be fearful of it.

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Learning the ABCs of Awakening a New Leader in You

With the kids back to school, I thought this is a good opportunity for us adults to do some of our own learning. So, I'm sending you to leadership school — giving you my personal ABC's of how to be the most effective leader possible.

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How Do You Choose the Right Executive Coach for You?

You may be interested in starting coaching but aren't quite sure how to find the best one for you. Here are some tips on what you should do and look for when preparing to start working with an executive coach.

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When is the Best Time in Your Career to Start Coaching?

Many professionals think they're not ready to start with an executive coach – maybe they feel they aren't at the right level in their organization, or like it is too premature to begin even considering hiring an executive coach. So when is the best time in your career to start receiving coaching?

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What Should You Do When You Can't Be Yourself at Work

Ever wonder what you should do when you can't be your whole, authentic self at work or in other environments, such as with certain friends or family members?

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Ways Leaders Can Create More Inclusive Environments

If you are a leader but are unsure of how to honour the diversity of your teams and encourage a more inclusive environment, here are three tips, plus an example of how it can work.

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How Being “Different” Makes You a Better Leader

Be proud of being different. It makes you a better leader! Sometimes being in a minority, or having a unique point of view, makes you consider others opinions better. You are typically more empathetic, flexible, adaptive. Why?

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